Feminine Fertility

3 workshops to ignite your feminine fire, revive your zest for life, and naturally increase your fertility.

What if fertility has been inside of you, all along?

begging to be lit up by your feminine energy.

Let me paint the picture of what this means in real life:

Imagine embracing the feminine urg to:

  • Purchase this retreat and take a 3 day retreat away from social media, socializing and doing 148 different things… and instead, you commit to slowing down, creating deeper intimacy with yourself and a more feminine approach to your life.

  • Create space to feel how you really feel, without shame. Feminine fire means being in touch with your emotions and intuition. Anxious? Excited? Horny? Overwhelmed? It all increases fertility health when you learn how to let your feminine fire guide these emotions through your body.

  • Walk into the next party you attend with shoulder-back, head- high confidence, even if your baby’s not here yet. Because a woman’s worth isn’t dependent on whether or not she has a child.

  • Re-write your life and fertility story and the future of your fertility from the perspective of the feminine. No more hustling for your worth or over-analyzing your journey from the neck up. No more focusing on the past, the outside world and only focusing on “what’s wrong” with you. What would the future of your fertility look like from the perspective of the feminine? What is she craving? You’re about to reveal her secrets.

  • Use the power of pleasure. Where the hell did we go wrong to believe that pleasure is a waste of time? Pleasure is incredibly productive when it comes to your mind-body-fertility health. It yields powers beyond measure to create nervous system safety way above and beyond any other force of energy.

Bringing this into your life + fertility journey is 100% doable.

But it requires ONE thing ….

It requires a retreat away from the way you’ve been doing things.

Step away. Come home. Get reacquainted with you and who you were born to be.

🔥 And receive an intense igniting of your feminine fire through this very sacred 3-day event 🔥

Who am I to teach this?

My name is Spenser Brassard and I tried to conceive through pressure and force for 8 long years before realizing that feeling exhausted, ashamed and burnt out probably wasn’t going to be what would get me pregnant.

I stepped away from the restrictive, fun-killer, masculine approach to conception and — through my certification in mind-body medicine — I re-ignited my feminine fire 🔥 ❤️

I realized fertility had been laying dormant inside of me all along. Patiently waiting for me to notice her through the my innate feminine nature.

We are all taught that we will find our fertility outside of ourselves… by doing, comparing, exerting more… or by adding more kale, raspberry leaf tea, or yet another fertility experts opinion on “what’s wrong”…

But everything that took me from the misery of 8 years TTC to finally at peace and eventually pregnant naturally, I found right within me — all along — underneath the lie that I would get pregnant through more control and productivity.

I found it inside of my feminine nature.

I’ve distilled the most potent feminine practices, into this 3-day retreat away out of all the fertility industries noise and back into your most natural state — your feminine fucking fire 🔥

Learning what it means to be in your femininity is like lighting a f*cking fire to your fertility.

So how could your not embrace a feminine approach to conception?

Here’s how we’re bringin’the feminine back:

Workshop #1: Emotional Alchemy

In this workshop, I will teach you a very practical and compassionate way to:

1. Learn how the nervous system works.

2. Feel your feelings.

3. Regulate your nervous system for conception.

And this will save you years of suppression and shame.

There’s a feminine art to this process that gives grounds to a deep acceptance for how you feel, but additionally, paves the way for change and expansion into your baby-filled dream life.


Workshop #2: Rewrite & Reconnect

In this workshop, you’ll learn what fuel you’ve been using to aid your fertility journey. Is it in the mind and body of the masculine? Result oriented, productivity focused, constant analysis of how your your mind and body are performing? Or do you feel deep in your feminine nature? Compassion for where you’re at, nurturance for your natural rhythms, safety to be vulnerable? You choose the feminine when you re-write your fertility story and the future of your fertility from the perspective of the feminine.

I think we all crave a feminine approach to conception, but don’t know how to do it or how to trust it. Here, you’ll learn to how to trust it.

Workshop #3: The Joy of Pleasure and Process

When you’re TTC, it’s easy to become very well acquainted with the pang of pain. As much as I encourage you to welcome the sensations of pain, there is no life without pleasure. I believe our feminine nature is home to lifestyle choices that give rise to the journey: receiving, resting, prioritizing and feeling worthy of pleasure. Your whole family will benefit from this.

This workshop is aimed to build your mind and body’s belief in the insane health benefits of pleasure, feel safe putting into practice pleasure’s medicinal properties, and fall in fucking love with your life.


Investment: Only $37

You’ll know you’re ready for this by how these words make your body feel.

And that’s also your first lesson on listening to the feminine FIRE within you.

Before you go, I wanna spill the tea on why I conceived this workshop:

I’ve guided 1000’s of women on their fertility journeys.

There’s a common thread that helps women find peace and relief before conception even happens and it’s also exactly what restores fertility.

And all of these teachings and qualities are deeply rooted in femininity.

The problem is that they’re also so backwards from the way our culture and the conventional fertility industry teaches you.

For example:

Shame as a motivator vs. Compassion that inspires your follow through

Restriction & rules vs. Expansion & growth

Needing certainty vs. Embracing not knowing

Productivity Burnout vs. Deep Rest

This shift in approach to both life AND conception requires creating space, ancient wisdom, in depth teachings and a like-minded community. Join us.

Immediate access.

3 workshops.


One Unrecognizable Fertility Journey.


Womb Ceremony Meditation:

A womb ceremony is a deeply personal and spiritual experience that aims to deepen your connection to your feminine fire, and honor the sacredness of your womb as a symbol of life, creativity, and renewal.

This womb ceremony meditation will focus on both healing the emotional or physical wounds related to the womb, but also a practice to feel safe, supported, and connected to the insanely confident and seductive feminine energy that resides in your womb space.