Bringing LIFE back to your fertility journey.

Hey Mama bear,

I know what it’s like to feel like you have to earn your baby by walkin’ that tightrope of perfection. (That’s literally what it felt like for me… a terrifying circus act… 🤹‍♀️🎪 🤡)

But to be blunt: perfectionism doesn’t create life. It kills it.

It takes your humanity—your emotions, your sadness, your joy, your utter aliveness—and convinces you that because you feel things, then you’re "not there yet". That your humanity is the problem. That if you just try harder and control yourself more… then maybe it will finally happen if you're a good enough girl.

I want you to take a deep breath with me right now. What if there’s a new approach to getting pregnant that is rearing its head to disrupt the fertility industries subliminal expectations of perfection?

This week on the Fertile Ground podcast, I’m talking about how perfectionism sneaks into the fertility journey, where the hell it comes from (not you), how it impacts your nervous system, and most importantly—how to bring life back to the journey of conception.

Because here’s the truth: The more alive you feel now, the better your chances are for conceiving life.

I know the approach I talk about inside of this podcast is different. I know that learning to accept your imperfections sounds wildly wrong to a particularly egoic part of your brain (and lovely to your body). And I know it goes against the grain of 90% of what "fertility experts" are saying. But I also know, from my 8 years TTC and the women inside Fertility Mind-Body Mastery, that it works to realizing:

  1. That you are whole now.

  2. Helps tremendously to cope with the ups and downs of the fertility journey. 

  3. It increases the likelihood of conception by up to 55%.

Who the hell wouldn’t want that? Win-win. Badabing. Badaboom.

So if you’re tired of feeling like nothing you do is ever enough… I invite you to listen to this episode. And if it wakes up your aliveness, know that Fertility Mind-Body Mastery is open for enrollment. Inside, you’ll be treated like a human ❤️And learn simple yet powerful mind-body tools to step out of perfectionism and into trust, so you can create a life (and a baby) from a place of wholeness now.

And if you’re ready to take this journey with me, you can learn more about Fertility Mind-Body Mastery here. February enrollment is NOW OPEN! 

xo Spenser

Listen to the full episode:


Sign up for The 5 Minute Exercise to Get Pregnant Faster:


Interview with Katelyn: She tried everything. The real work was the one thing she avoided.


Interview with Eva: Imperfect and still…got pregnant.