Breaking free from a transactional relationship with your body.
Hey Mama bear,
I want to ask you a hard question:
How’s your relationship with your body right now?
No, really.
How are you actually conversing with it?
In today’s episode of the Fertile Ground podcast, I’m breaking down something that’s been on my mind for a while: how women have been conditioned to have a transactional relationship with their bodies.
We’ve ALL been taught that our bodies are like machines. That they’re here to serve us. That they somehow OWE us. To perform when we tell them to. To fit into these narrow boxes of what “healthy” and “acceptable” look like.
And when they don’t? We judge. We criticize. We ignore. We disconnect.
How many times have you caught yourself thinking things like:
“I’ll rest only if I see everything done.”
“I’ll love my body only if it gets pregnant.”
“I’ll trust it only if it behaves exactly how the doctor wants it to.”
That’s the transactional thinking I’m talking about.
It says to your body (which by the way, is a living, breathing ecosystem) “I will only treat you well if you give me what I want”—and that’s not how I think you actually WANT to be in a relationship with your body ❤️
When we stop fighting against our bodies, when we stop seeing them as broken or unworthy of love UNTIL “fill in the black” then we open up a space for healing—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. And it’s this healing that can have a profound impact on fertility.
If you feel at odds with your body, this podcast is what you’ve been praying for…
Xo Spenser
PS. Here’s a scenario for you: Let’s say you get your period after you thought this was the month. The old you might’ve spiraled into self-blame. You’d push harder, try to fix everything, and expect your body to “perform” on cue.
But here’s how the NEW YOU would respond after joining Fertility Mind-Body Mastery: You notice the disappointment, yes—but instead of letting it control you, you give yourself space to feel it. You tell yourself, “It’s okay. I’m allowed to feel this. I’m not making this mean I’m broken anymore.” And instead of trying to fix or control your body, you soften and connect to it—knowing this is the breakthrough in the mother fucking making.
This is what builds momentum to your baby. By treating your body with humility when things don’t go as planned, you’re not only staying in the game—you’re strengthening your ability to ride the highs and lows without falling apart each time. And that’s when the change happens.
Through our coaching calls, the course material, and the container of female support – FMBM teaches you to do exactly this — to respond to your mind and body with a mother’s love 💕 not more pressure to perform.
To move with your body, not against it.
You can make it easier for you. Come join us.