My conception story to baby #2❤️
Hey mama-bear,
It feels crazy to announce that I’m halfway through my pregnancy with baby #2 ✨
The fertility journey is one wild ride. So many ups and downs. So many unknowns and uncertainties. So many what-the-fuck-is-happenings.
The irony is that the more I surrender to this truth – that fertility cannot be tamed, and my only job is to let her be wild, misunderstood and often confusingggg -- the more connected with her I feel. The more free and safe I feel to live my own life. The more fertile I feel.
My son Beck took 8 years to conceive, while the baby I’m pregnant with took no time at all. Because of this, the journey to baby #2 was VERY different than baby #1. BUT AT THE SAME TIME, it was exactly the same. Confusing? It will make sense in this week’s podcast.
You’ve allowed me into your journey just by following me/signing up for my emails/being a part of my programs – so I decided to share my personal story with you.
My intention is that through my story, you learn more about your own VERY PRESENT AND ALIVE relationship with fertility.
You begin to understand fertility’s purpose, her qualities and her beautiful essence.
Because the truth is, the relationship begins before baby. You don’t need to get pregnant to invite her in. She’s alive and inside of you, as soon as you decide.
xo Spenser
Listen to the full episode:
PS. It’s wild how alone you can feel on this journey. How different you can feel from “everyone else.”
And then on top of that, you’re mad at yourself for not being able to control all of the emotions that come with this territory.
So much shame builds up. So much wanting to be just be normal arises.
When in reality, you are exactly right. Emotions and all.
My highest intention as a life and fertility coach is not to change you. But to reveal to you just how exactly perfect you are for the spirit of your baby. If you’re wondering, “then why isn’t it happening if all is well?” my answer is: Maybe what you need most is the acceptance of SELF to transform your mind and body.
I mean… think about it… if you actually believed this to be true, imagine how different things would be?
If you’re tired of fighting yourself, apply for my program here. Learn how it works. Zero pressure to join. We’ve got enough pressure on this journey. But at least you’ll learn what all the fuss is about <3
“When you are apart of this program, you give yourself the biggest gift of love. What an excellent thing to give to yourself before your baby. You will be a better person overall, in all aspects of your life, after gaining knowledge from this program. The benefits are life-lasting.” - Kelleen H.