How to Create a Vision Board

I created my very first Vision Board yesterday! Not only did I have fun seeing what kind of images peaked my interest, but it took me back a couple decades to the those innocent years alive with scissors and glue sticks.


A vision board is to connect the non-verbal, visual part of your mind with images that feel good for some (sometimes strange) reason. Taping into that non-verbal part of yourself is connecting you to your internal compass, which leads to a path of complete and utter happiness. Who the hell wouldn’t want that?!


This kind of activity is most suited for an individual in the midst of an identity shift. It’s after you’ve overcome a change (through either shock, opportunity or growth) and are ready to begin dreaming up a new life.


Materials: Large piece of white poster paper, scissors, glue stick and about 3 or 4 magazines.


 Look for images that charm your emotional and physical responses and try not to over think it. Just feel it. For example, if a picture of a flamingo is asking you to “please cut me out!” but you don’t know why, cut it out and glue it to your paper! In a few months to a year, it’ll be clear why you did it.

(See if you can spot my pink flamingo below!)

Vision Board

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