my name is spenser brassard

I teach women the mind-body approach to getting pregnant, without it taking over their lives.

mama bear, you’VE landed here for a reason.

Imagine a path to pregnancy where you let go of being the “good girl” to earn your worth and become the woman you are meant to be.

Our culture convinces women to believe that the more they restrict themselves and follow rigid rules, the better their chances to conceive. But the research is clearing up this madness: The mind-body medicine team at Harvard proves that women who cultivate self-compassionate thoughts, who slow down and listen to what their bodies need (versus what the world says they need) and who have a supportive community while TTC (trying to conceive) are 55% more likely to get pregnant. 

My coaching and courses offer a completely different approach to getting pregnant.

Instead of:

  • Trying to make your voice and your body smaller — I teach you to speak your truth and walk into a room with confidence, regardless of whether or not you have a baby on your hip.

  • Waiting for your completed fertility to-do to prove you’ve done enough to earn a baby — I show you to embody your worth as a woman of receiving what you want NOW, regardless of your productivity.

  • Withholding your career goals, creative projects, and Italy trip “until you get pregnant” — I teach you to take your hand off of the pause button and take action towards these fertility enhancing endeavours today.

The irony is that in the choice to pursue presence, pleasure and deciding to feel worthy of a fulfilling life now — even if you don’t have your baby yet — peace fills your mind, your body relaxes, your nervous system regulates and fertility naturally increases.

It’s truly a win-win situation. I’m so glad you landed here!

What people are saying…

Don’t just take my word for it. Hear from real women TTC what makes this approach to your baby so magical.

Work With Spenser

course library

There’s no rush. Go at your own-pace in one of my online fertility courses.

From mind-body tools, to fertility mindset, to the energetics of fertility and makin’ babies. Learn everything you need to strengthen your mind, body and spirit for conception in one of my courses.

Fertility Mind-Body Mastery

Want every single one of my online courses, plus weekly mind-body fertility coaching from me for 6 months straight? Join FMBM today and get your all access pass to all the online courses, 50+ guided fertility meditations, weekly group coaching from me and a private community of women have your back.

private coaching (New!)

I work with a small number of women who want intimate support, clear guidance and a deep dive look on the way their doing life, fertility, pregnancy, motherhood and/or business.

Change is inevitable when I’m walking along side this journey with you.

Are you ready?

Ways to Build Trust

The Fertile Ground Podcast

Spenser is such a gift!

“I came across this podcast by sheer accident but I’m so glad that I did! My husband and I experienced a miscarriage and I have felt so lost. Going through this I felt so alone until I found Spenser’s podcast. Hearing other reviews from women who have struggled on the fertility journey find peace and happiness in the process has made my heart feel full again. My mind feels more at peace. My heart feels like it is mending. I have more trust in my body again which I didn’t think I would ever gain that back. I’m excited about my journey moving forward in finding peace, happiness and pleasure no matter what the outcome.”

My new book:

Fertile Ground

now available for purchase and is already a bestseller!

Fertile Ground is the book that every TTC (trying to conceive) woman needs on her bedside table to navigate the high highs and low lows. TTC women need guidance from someone who’s been there and who gets it. They need stories of hope and encouragement from other women on the journey. Most of all, they need permission to try a new approach to getting pregnant—one that is gentler on your mind, body, and spirit, and that is proven to increase fertility. This is exactly what Fertile Ground offers.

  • “I'm an OBGYN and I knew I needed to move away from my medical mindset."

    “When I found Spenser, I had just miscarried at 8 weeks after an IVF transfer. It was such an unbelievably difficult time. I’m an OBGYN physician in my 40’s and I knew I needed to move away from my medical mindset. Spenser’s coaching changed my fertility journey, and my life. I write this on the eve of my induction day at 38 weeks pregnant. I have every risk factor for several complications in pregnancy and I have not developed one. I am still amazed at how the universe is working with me.”

    - CINDY A.

  • “We were waiting for my period to come, but for the first time ever... it didn't show up."

    “I joined the program right when I felt ready to soak it in. It cracked my heart wide open and nothing but love, growth and absolute self-compassion came out of it. We had decided we would try our first round of IVF this October and were waiting for my period to come so that I could start with the treatment, but for the first time ever… it didn’t show up. I’m now 6 weeks pregnant.”

    - BEA E.

  • "The most life changing thing I've ever done."

    “I can honestly say that working with Spenser was one of the most life-changing things I’ve ever done. It helped me with so many aspects of my life, not just my fertility. I am leaving the program pregnant naturally, after 2 failed IVF attempts, but I was already happier and more at peace in my life even before the pregnancy happened.”

    — Tammy P.


Spenser Brassard


Hi — I’m Certified Life Coach, Spenser Brassard.

I was stuck on the TTC cycle for 8 years. And like you, I was determined to try every-single-thing I possibly could to make it happen.

I thought if I just sacrificed enough, then I’d be “deserving” of a baby. It wasn’t until I discovered the mind-body approach that I realized… Getting pregnant wasn’t about restricting. It was about EXPANDING. 

My approach is different from everything you've heard about why couples struggle to get pregnant. No more diets. No more shoulding. No more trying to find out what's wrong with you. There is a different way.

It's time to bridge your mind with your body, so you can create your baby from a place of confidence and ease.







Get immediate access to my 3-Part Fertile Framework Training!

In it, you’ll learn how to:

⭐️ Take back a healthy sense of control of your fertility journey and heal from all the craziness you’ve been through while TTC. 

⭐️ Learn how to maintain momentum toward getting pregnant without feeling like you’re going backward every time you get your period.

⭐️ Release the #1 belief that’s keeping you from getting pregnant. (This one for all my perfectionist girls!)

⭐️ Solve the mystery and open your mind and body to getting pregnant with my simple 3-Part Framework.

The Latest on the Fertile Ground Podcast

Life changing!

“Spenser brilliantly reminds us all of what we can control in what can be, for many, a destabilizing fertility journey. Her simple steps to encourage self-love & nurturing are key. She simultaneously empowers us through tools on positive thinking while giving us permission to acknowledge our feelings. How refreshing! Her podcast was instrumental in getting me in the right mindset and I am happy to say I’m now expecting my first child! I know I’ll be a better person and mother for all I’ve learned through Spenser. Truly beneficial!”

Free Guided Meditation:

Meditate to regulate.

Triggering moments — like pregnancy announcements or getting your period — are opportunities to finally feel what you’ve been avoiding and transcend this suffering into acceptance and compassion for your humanity. This is available to you now. Get this free meditation delivered right to your inbox.